If you think you may be too old to be creative, or too creative to be old, then CREAGEIVITY is the podcast for you. Hosted by artist / musician / writers Adrienne Thomas and Harlan Cockburn, each show brings illuminating and inspiring conversation with people who have kept on keeping on in their chosen field... or started some entirely new activity in later life.
Creageivity 04Bonus - actor Gregory Gudgeon performs Shakespeare
In Creageivity 04 Gregory Gudgeon talks about performing Shakespeare's King Richard II, with puppets.
Richard is alone in his prison cell, and begins to use objects there to take the place of people in his life as he compares how far he has fallen: ' Sometimes am I king; Then treasons make me wish myself a beggar, And so I am.' He hears distant music, and is irritated, and also soothed by it, 'In this all-hating world.'
We're delighted that Gregory offered to perform Richard's soliloquy especially for Creageavity listeners, so here's three bonus minutes: bask in the voice of a wonderful actor!
If you think you're too old to be creative, or too creative to be old, then Creageivity is the podcast for you!